U.S Court Sentence Teen to Life in Prison Two Years After Mass Shooting

U.S School Shooting U.S.A News Today
Ethan Crumbley
Two years later, a court in the Oakland County Circuit Court, United States of America has sentenced a teenager, Ethan Crumbley, the mastermind of the mass shooting at the Oxford High School in Michigan where four students were killed with seven other fellow students seriously injured in the attack.

The Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Kwame Rome ruled that the gravity of the offense committed by the 15-year-old Crumbley “could not be ignored,” executing his classmates while he could change course.

Crumbley who was presented a “gun” gift by his parent ahead of the 2021 Christmas Eve agreed he was wrong in action and pleaded guilty with the court claiming that he was only meant to “merely create a scene, cause panic and fear” as he emerged from the bathroom when he opened fire through the hallways on November 30, 2021, though with no remorse, an action which resulted into an untimely death of four fellow schoolmates.

Victims of Crumbley’s mass school shooting on November 30 2021 include 16-year-old Tate Myre 17-year-old Madisyn Baldwin and Justin Shilling, and 14-year-old Hana St. Juliana injuring six other students and a teacher of the High School.

Parents of the victim lament

Buck Myre, the father of Tate who was killed during the November 30th, 2021 mass school shooting by Crumbley insisted the killer won’t be forgotten.

He said “We’re the prisoner, not you. Believe me, we will never forget about you - ever. We need to find a way to find forgiveness; forgiveness to you; forgiveness to your parents, forgiveness to the school, what other choice do we have?”

Ahead of the court judgment, one of the parents of Crumbley’s victims, Craig Shilling, however, asked the court to lock up Crumbley for the rest of his life for denying his son, Justin Shilling, an opportunity to live.

“I going to ask you to lock this son of a bitch up for the rest of his pathetic life. My son doesn’t get a second chance, and neither should he,” Craig Shilling lamented before the Oakland Judge.

Investigation into the cause of Crumbley’s school shooting revealed that he planned for the scenario, and it was not accidental as he documented the action in his journal days before the mass school shooting occurred on November 30th, 2021.

“I will cause the largest school shooting in the state … I will surrender to the police. I wish to hear the screams of the children as I shoot them,” Crumbly wrote in a section of his journal.

“All I need is my 9mm pistol, which I’m currently begging my dad for,” he wrote in another section of his journal.

Four days to the “deadly day” Crumbley got his gun when his dad took him out for a “black Friday shopping” where he bought the 9mm pistol as he stated in another section of his journal “I got my gun. It’s SP2022 SIG Sauer 9mm”.

On the eve of the mass school shooting Crumbly wrote in his journal “The shooting is tomorrow; I have access to the gun and ammo…the first victim has to be a pretty girl with a fixture so he can suffer like me.”

On the day of the shooting, Crumbley’s parents were said to have been invited to the school because of the draw he made on his math worksheet which included a gun, a bleeding body, and words: “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me.” His parents refused to show up, telling the school they had to resume their jobs with a promise to get Crumbley help the following day. However, they failed to inform the school that Crumbley’s dad already bought his son a gun.

Parents of the shooter jailed

James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of Ethan Crumbley were however charged with “involuntary manslaughter” for purchasing a gun for their son, and failed to inform the school when they were notified of him stirring trouble days before the “mass school shooting.”

James and Jennifer were the first parents in the United States of America who would be charged in a school shooting by a student. They were both remanded in jail after they could not meet their $500,000 bond. The trial against them will begin in January 2024 even though their son will by then be serving a life-long jail term.

Not feeling apologetic about his action, Ethan faced down throughout the court judgment day.

Category: World-News
Tag: US School Shooting USA News Today
Written by Author (author)
Published 12/9/2023 4:32:06 AM

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