Advise Me: She Insists I Must Do Some Weird Things Before She Can Marry Me

A member of our online community has called for pieces of advice from the public relating to the issues he is currently facing in his yet-to-be-tied marriage.
The member of this community said he has a girlfriend who they have been dating for more than a year. They are close to marriage because he is ready for it but his girlfriend is giving him conditions that are disturbing his mind.

He stated that the last time he approached his girlfriend to iron out the schedule of their marriage processions, including when she would formally present him to her family, his girlfriend insisted that before she could say anything on his request, he should pay her the money he spent during a recent ceremony that was done in her family.

He said this lady insisted that her girlfriend must pay for the money she used to buy clothes, shoes, and other items he spent during the ceremony.

Besides, he also informed us that his girlfriend also insisted that he must rent a shop for him and buy goods in the shop before they can ever talk about marriage.

He is a bricklayer and when we asked him if he has been responsible in his little way to the lady, he stated that he was used to giving her stipends every day they meet except if he is broke.

He said he loves this lady but he is becoming fearful about the conditions she is currently setting for their marriage to hold. He needs pieces of advice from this community as he intends to decide on the future of their relationship.

Category: Community
Tag: online community, online forum, ask question online, internet community, internet forum
Written by Author (author)
Published 12/19/2023 6:37:45 AM

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