The Round Table Privacy and Cookies Policy (in the Federal Republic of Nigeria)

1. What's in this policy?

This policy is for when you're in the Federal Republic of Nigeria ( view policy for when you're outside the Federal Republic of Nigeria). It tells you:

what information we might collect about you

how we might use that information

when we might use your details to contact you

what information of yours we might share with others

your choices about the personal information you give us


2. What does this policy cover?

This policy covers the services that are offered by the Round Table.

But only when those services link to this policy or tell you it applies.

It’s up to you to decide how much detail you want to know. We have just-in-time explanations that appear when we ask you to input your personal information. As well as what’s in this Policy, a service might have a short privacy notice. In that privacy notice you can find key information on what we do with your personal information when you use that service. And if you’re after more detail have a look at these topics.

Sometimes you can access our services from other places, like Twitter page, Facebook page, Whatsapp or YouTube page. Make sure to check their privacy policy so you know how they will use your information.


3. How do you protect my personal information?

We're strongly committed to keeping you and your family's information safe. And to do this we design our services with your safety in mind. We also have dedicated teams to look after your information security and privacy.

At the same time, no service can be completely secure - if you have any concerns that your RounTable account or personal information has been put at risk, for example if someone could have found out your password, please get in touch straight away.

4. What types of personal information does The Round Table collect about me?

We'll give you details about why we need your personal information and how we'll use it before you begin, unless it's obvious.

a. Information that you give us

We might ask for your name and contact details, your phone number or financial details, depending on what you're doing. If you apply to take part in a programme on politics, for example, we might ask you about your political opinions. Information you give us might include information in a creation you share with us, such as people's names that appear in the creation.

When you register for The Round Table account, or update your details or settings we ask for some personal information, like your email address and phone number.

b. Device information

Devices are lots of things like:

your computer

your mobile

your TV

your tablet

your voice-enabled device

We automatically collect some technical information from these devices and web browsers even when you're not signed into to The Round Table account. This might include:

IP (internet protocol) address

device ID

app ID

vendor ID

advertising ID

c. Location Information

We collect information about your location when you use our products and services. This helps us to determine whether you’re somewhere where our services are available, helps us to ensure we are fulfilling our Charter obligations and to offer additional features whilst serving you ads.

Your location can be determined at a town or city level by:


IP address

Information about nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi access point information

What type of location data (for example Country, Region, City or Town) is collected depends on the device you're using (for example Apple or Android) and your devices settings (whether permissions are enabled or disabled). You can change your permissions on or off any time in your device’s settings.

d. Information on your activities outside The Round Table when you talk about us

Like if you've mentioned us in a Twitter post, we'll collect your Twitter handle.

e. Information on how you use our services

Like the articles you read.

5. How long will the Round Table keep my personal information?

When you give us any personal information we'll let you know how long we'll hold it for. And always stick to these principles:

we only hold your information for as long as we do the activities we told you about or have a valid reason to keep it

we think about what type of information it is, the amount collected, how sensitive it might be and any legal requirements

we design our services so that we don't hold your information any longer than we have to

we may close your Round Table account if you haven't used it in the last year. We'll send you an email to tell you that we plan to do this before we delete anything, so please check to see if we've sent you any emails about this


6. How can the Round Table use my personal information?

We have to have a valid reason to use your personal information. It's called the "lawful basis for processing". Sometimes we might ask your permission to do things, like when you subscribe to an email. Other times, when you'd reasonably expect us to use your personal information, we don't ask your permission, but only when:

the law says it's fine to use it, and

it fits with the rights you have

We use your information for these types of things:

a. to deliver our services and to provide you with information about them

b. to deal with your requests, complaints and enquiries

c. to personalise services and give you things more tailored to your tastes

d. to show you relevant advertising on another company's site

e. to help us understand what kind of services you might use

And sometimes how you might share things with other people

f. to recommend things we think might interest you

What does recommended for you mean?

g. to show you advertising when you access the Round Table service.

Some of this advertising might be tailored to you.

h. to research and innovate

You're not a guinea-pig here, but knowing how you use our services could lead to the next big technology breakthrough.

i. to contact you about various things


7. When will the Round Table use my information to contact me?

We might use your information to contact you about different things, like:

to update you on any changes to the Round Table’s policies, practices and Terms of Use

to check with you about any service or activity you’ve signed up for. For example, we might tell you if your Round Table account hasn't been used in a long time. Or it might be about creating a child account

to answer you when you’ve contacted us, or to respond to a comment or complaint

to invite you to take part in surveys about the Round Table services, which are always voluntary

for marketing purposes

to send you notifications on your device depending on your settings

We’ll only contact you when we need to or when you’ve given us permission.

We’ll never contact you to ask for your Round Table account password.  

8. Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?

We'll only send you marketing emails or contact you about Round Table programmes, services and your views on issues about the Round Table if you've agreed to this.

Keep in mind, even if you unsubscribe, we may still contact you.

Will my personal information be used when the Round Table advertises with other companies?

If you have Round Table account we might use information that we hold about you to show you relevant and targeted advertising for Round Table services through other companies’ sites, like Facebook, Google, Snapchat or Twitter for example. This could be showing you a Round Table sponsored message where we know you have a Round Table account and have used Round Table services.

Where we do this, we will share your data in a hashed format with these providers so that, where you have an account on the same platform, you will see adverts from the Round Table. In these scenarios, we are joint controllers with these companies because we jointly determine the purposes and means of processing your personal data.

We also assess certain characteristics of our audience members in order to find others who are similar to them to provide advertising to those individuals. 

If you don’t want to see our targeted advertising, you can set ad preferences in your social media companies’ settings.  

9. When does the Round Table share my personal information with others?

We'll never sell your personal information. We do share it with others in these ways:

a. When you make something public

Like post a comment which the public can see.

b. When we use other companies to power our services

In order for us to give you quality experiences and to understand how you're using our services we often use other companies to process your personal information on our behalf. For example, sending you emails about things we think might interest you, to ask you what you think about our services, or to analyse data on how people use our digital services so we can improve them.

We make sure that your personal information is looked after as if we were handling it directly. We carefully select these companies, only share with them what they need to do the work and we make sure they keep your information secure.

a. Why do we collect information about you in the first place?

We keep information about you so that we can

get the right services for you

plan and improve our services

keep in touch with you

b. We'll always tell you why we're collecting your personal information

We’ll explain why and how we use it and for how long. It’s called a “privacy notice”. And if we need your parent or guardian's permission we'll give you clear details about what's needed at the time.

c. We can only use your personal information if we have a valid reason

How can the Round Table use my personal information?

d. We share personal information about you to others but we follow some rules

The main rule is we will never sell your personal information to anyone.

When does the Round Table share my personal information with others?

e. We might ask you to tell us your age

f. When we can contact you

Sometimes we need to get in touch with you but we'll always follow these rules.

g. It's safe to use us

It's our job to keep your personal information safe and secure. That's why we design our services with your safety in mind. And we're always looking for the best ways to improve this.

There are also things that you can do to keep safe, like thinking about what information you share and how to keep your devices secure.

h. Human beings and not robots will make the big decisions that affect you

How is my information being used to make decisions?

i. You're in control of how we use cookies and tracking

Cookies are small text files that transfer onto your device when you use a service.

We use cookies and tracking to get information about what type of device you’re using to access our services and we record things like what sites you visit, your IP address (a unique number your device creates every time you connect to the internet) and to make things easier for you.

j. What we do when you post, upload or share a creation

When you share your creation with us we'll try to tell you exactly what we're going to do with it.

You can:

ask us what personal information we hold about you

ask us to correct or delete your personal information

tell us to stop using your personal information

If you're 13 or older, you can do this yourself, but not always. Sometimes we'll be asking for your parent or guardian to do that.

If you're under 13 your parent or guardian probably has to do it for you.

What are my rights?

11. Can I delete my information?

This depends on what information you're talking about.

a. If you're talking about Round Table account

You can delete your account. Your account information is immediately deleted. Keep in mind:

we keep a record of how you've used our services, but this information can't be linked back to you

we also keep anything you've uploaded or commented on

b. What about other information I've shared with you?

We might have collected other personal information that you might ask to be deleted that has nothing to do with Round Table account.  

12. What are my rights?

Remember, you're in control of your personal information.

You have the right to:

request a copy of your information

not let robots make big decisions about you

to ask us to correct information that's wrong, to delete it or to request that we only use it for certain purposes

to change your mind, and ask us to stop using your information. For example, unsubscribing from any marketing emails or turning off personalisation

Bear in mind, sometimes we might not be able to help. Like if the law tells us we can't or it forms part of our journalistic output.  

13. How does the Round Table use cookies and similar tracking?

a. What are cookies and tracking technologies?

Cookies are small text files which are transferred to your computer or mobile when you visit a website or app.

There are also similar pieces of tracking information we collect.

b. Why do we use cookies and other tracking?

To do a few different things:

to remember information about you, so you don't have to give it to us again. And again. And again

to keep you signed in, even on different devices

to help us understand how people are using our services, so we can make them better

to deliver advertising to websites outside of the Nigeria

to help us personalise the Round Table to you by remembering your preferences and settings. And your progress, so you can pause and pick up where you left off watching a programme even on a different device

to find out if our emails have been read and if you find them useful

c. What are the types of cookies?

Some cookies are always on when you visit us, and you can’t turn them off unless you change your browser settings. We call these “strictly necessary cookies”. We use them to make sure our digital services work correctly and are meeting audience needs and interests.

We also use functional, performance and advertising cookies to make your experience more enjoyable. You can switch these on or off at any time and you can always change your mind. We’ll only use them if you’ve agreed.

Bear in mind there are some other cookies out there from other companies. These "third-party cookies" might track how you use different websites, including ours. For example, you might get a social media company’s cookie when you see the option to share something. You can turn them off, but not through us.

d. How do cookies last?

Some are erased when you close the browser on your website or app. Others stay longer, sometimes forever, and are saved onto your device so that they’re there when you come back.

e. How do I control my cookies and tracking?

14. How will I find out about changes to this policy?

We update this policy sometimes. If we make important changes, like how we use your personal information, we'll let you know. It might be a notice, an email or a message in your app.

If you don't agree to the changes, then you can always stop using our services, delete your account and stop giving us any more personal information. We'd be sorry to see you go.

15. Can children use your services?

In the Federal Republic of Nigeria, you must be 18 or over to register for an account. This is because we don’t create content and services specifically for kids on

If you’re the parent or guardian of someone under 16 and you find out they’ve sent us information, please contact us at That way, we can delete the information from our records.

16. How can I contact the Round Table?

Find out more and  contact us about your rights.

For any other questions or comments about this policy speak to our Data Protection Officer.

by email

by post: Roun Table Data Protection Officer, No 6B, Atanka Street, Isale Osun Osogbo.

We're regulated by the Office of the Ministry of Information and Culture.

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