Men Who Place Mothers Above Wives Not Fit For Marriage, Says BBNaija Star

Men Who Place Mothers Above Wives Not Fit For Marriage, Says BBNaija Star
Ifu Ennada

“To all the men who place their mothers above their wives. I believe any man who places his mother above his wife is not ready for marriage.

“He has no business being married. Before you argue with me, let Genesis 2.24 be your guide.”

The above statement was attributed to Ifu Ennada, BBNaija Star On Instagram. She stated this by reacting to the age-long arc rivalry between wives and their mother-in-laws.

At a point, one would be worried if the selfishness women have towards their husbands was a natural endowment or wickedness.

Pathetically, wife-to-mother-in-law hostility is independent of any other factor, not even tribe, ethnicity, or religion. Women from all forms of categorization wear the same look when it comes to this.

However, the concern about this hostility may push one into digging deep into asking whether wives are naturally wicked and unconditional in the sense that they don't even anticipate being the victim of the same crisis they are weighing against their mother-in-law. They will also want to be a mother-in-law someday.

Besides, what could have been the reasons wives don't always have issues with their father-in-law but mother-in-law?

This leads to examining when being too protective of whatever they love.

The mother-in-law would become too suspicious of her son's wife, doing everything possible to protect her son from harm. Likewise, the wife too becomes aggressive to ensure nobody, including her mother-in-law, trespasses to violate what she had believed to be the norm for her husband.

However, women including mother-in-laws and wives, do this not even minding the fact that there is the law of karma; not even minding the fact that men have their life to live.

Is this act a natural setting to allow men to have control over their lives which might not have been possible if the wives collaborated and co-operated with their mother-in-law?

Or is it just wickedness that women including mother-in-laws and wives just wish to have a monopoly of the control of their holy man, husband to the wife and son to the mother-in-law?

Category: World-News
Tag: Men Who Place Mothers Above Wives Not Fit For Marriage Says BBNaija Star
Written by Author (author)
Published 5/7/2024 11:34:33 AM

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