Collection of Features Users are Demanding Elon Musk to Integrate with Twitter

Elon Musk
Recently, the Chief Executive Officer of the microblogging blue bird app, Twitter, took to the platform asking the users how the platform has been able to serve them better in the past six months. Elon Musk also requested from the users, suggestion of the likely features they would want to see on the app.

The tweets which have been seen by over 20 million users have received close to 2 million replies with many users rolling out their expected features on the blue bird app.

Top of the request is the demand for classification of tweets. Many users requested that they will prefer to see the tweets on their timelines being classification into various sections, like politics, industry, news, technology, cryptocurrency, economy, security, entertainment and the likes. They said they would not want to see their timelines mixed with unfiltered contents.

"It would be amazing to have different "modes" to switch between. Sometimes I want fun silly stuff, sometimes I want to see difficult ideas that challenge my worldview, sometimes I want to see technical tweets about AI. This is tough to do but is good for happiness on platform," a user make the suggestion.

Some people want to see a different Twitter where followers names would be sorted alphabetically . Many others still want their followers lists to be classified using the blue mark. That is verified and unverified users.

Users said they want a feed dedicated for tweets from their followers which should be separated from the general feeds where tweets from the Twitter Users they do not follow.

A commentator said "A very ambitious goal, but I think Twitter has the potential to be YouTube, Facebook, Discord, WhatsApp, LinkedIn & Telegram all in one place. I'd like to see voice messages incorporated into DMs and a similar community building structure to what you see in Discord. I'd also like to see more emphasis put on video uploads to take market share away from YouTube. Some users want to save their timelines as pdf or pocket.

You can follow the thread on the Twitter

Category: World-News
Tag: Twitter
Written by Omooba Alekuwodo (omoobaalekuwodo)
Published 5/8/2023 6:49:49 AM

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