Marburg virus: Rwanda restricts funeral sizes following outbreak

Marburg virus Rwanda restricts funeral sizes following outbreak
Marburg virus: Rwanda restricts funeral sizes following outbreak
Rwandan authorities have restricted funeral sizes for victims of Marburg virus in an effort to curb an insurrection of the highly contagious disease.

Eight people have died during Rwanda's first insurrection of the virus, which was confirmed on Friday by the nation's health ministry.

Marburg, with a fatality rate of up to 88%, is from the same virus family as Ebola. It spreads to humans from fruit bats and then through contact with bodily fluids of infected individuals.

In innovative guidelines to halt the spread of Marburg, the health ministry stated no more than 50 people should attend the funeral of a person who died from the disease.

Category: World-News
Tag: Marburg virus Rwanda restricts funeral sizes following outbreak
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Published 9/30/2024

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