Amusement as Musk Email Reaches Italian Workers

Amusement as Musk Email Reaches Italian Workers
Amusement as Musk Email Reaches Italian Workers
Employees at the Aviano Air Base who serve American forces got a familiar demand to list their achievements. Unions report Italy “is not the Wild West like the U.S.”

Italian employees at the Aviano Air Base in northern Italy paused from flipping burgers, unloading trucks and restocking shelves recently to open an email from their bosses demanding that they list five key accomplishments from concluding week.

The email was a by-now familiar demand from President Trump’s chief cost-cutter, Elon Musk, carrying with it the threat of termination if they did not respond. But on this juncture, it did not land with government employees in the United States, yet rather in Italy, a country where workers’ rights are held sacrosanct.

The result set the stage for a puzzling tension of cultures, with the world’s richest man and his job-thrashing chain saw on one side, and one of the world’s most protective champions of the forever job on the other.

“We are in Italy here,” revealed Roberto Del Savio, a union representative and an employee at the base. “There are precise rules and thank God for that.”

Aviano, an Italian air base that organizes the United States 31st Fighter Wing, employs more than 700 Italian civilian personnel who on a daily basis cook and neat and generally keep the base sprinting.

In all about 4,000 Italian civilian employees work at bases serving about 15,000 American soldiers in Italy, turning each into a sort of a miniature American town where U.S. military personnel can discover American food and other familiar items from home.

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Category: World-News
Tag: Amusement as Musk Email Reaches Italian Workers
Written by Author
Published 3/13/2025

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