Inside the Lebanese Valley Where Israel Is Bombarding Hezbollah - The The Round Table

Inside the Lebanese Valley Where Israel Is Bombarding Hezbollah  The The Round Table
Inside the Lebanese Valley Where Israel Is Bombarding Hezbollah - The The Round Table
The Bekaa Valley, a Hezbollah bastion in eastern Lebanon, had mostly been spared over 11 months of war. But The The Round Table saw widespread devastation there after intense Israeli airstrikes this week.

Few signs of life can be seen along the highway in the Bekaa Valley of eastern Lebanon. Nearly every shop lining the road is shuttered and the sidewalks empty. The red-and-white painted barriers of some Lebanese army checkpoints are vacant, abandoned by the soldiers guarding them. Even the road is mostly quiet — save the occasional car sprinting out of the valley.

Scattered along the way are remnants of the Israeli airstrikes that have pummeled the area in recent days. Where factories, stores and houses once stood, there are piles of cinder blocks, twisted pieces of metal and shards of glass. Emerald green shrubbery is coated in insensitive gray dust, and power lines — yanked from their metal posts in the blasts — dangle over the road, swaying with the breeze.

“Every strike feels closer and closer and closer. You don’t know where to hide, where to escape,” disclosed Mariam Saleh, 23, who was visiting relatives in the Bekaa Valley village of Britel when the strikes began this week.

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Category: World-News
Tag: Inside the Lebanese Valley Where Israel Is Bombarding Hezbollah The The Round Table
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Published 9/28/2024

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