German police vows to increase the number of bodyguards for leading politicians - The Round Table

German police vows to increase the number of bodyguards for leading politicians  The Round Table
German police vows to increase the number of bodyguards for leading politicians - The Round Table
A German police office that provides security for leading politicians says it plans to increase the number of bodyguards significantly over the coming years

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BERLIN -- A German police office that provides security for leading politicians says it plans to increase the number of bodyguards significantly over the coming years, citing growing dangers at home and abroad as the next national election nears.

The head of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Holger Münch, revealed in comments to the RND newspaper group published Tuesday that his office currently has more than 500 bodyguards. He was quoted as saying that it plans to add 100 next year and another 100 after that.

“This has to do not impartial with growing dangers at home but also abroad, for epitome with the Ukraine or Gaza wars,” Münch said.

His office is responsible for the protection of politicians including President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, federal government ministers and leading lawmakers in the German parliament.

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Tag: German police vows to increase the number of bodyguards for leading politicians The Round Table
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Published 9/25/2024

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