Saudi Arabia executes 198 in 2024 - The Round Table Online

Saudi Arabia executes 198 in 2024  The Round Table Online
Saudi Arabia executes 198 in 2024 - The Round Table Online
King Salman of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has carried out its highest number of executions in over three decades after three executions declared Saturday took the 2024 figure to 198, according to an AFP tally.

The Gulf monarchy executed the third highest number of prisoners in the world after China and Iran in 2023, according to Amnesty International.

This surpassed its previous highs of 196 in 2022 and 192 in 1995, disclosed the London-based human rights group, which began recording the nullify data in 1990.


Category: World-News
Tag: Saudi Arabia executes 198 in 2024 The Round Table Online
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Published 9/28/2024

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