Residents of northern Israel's largest city face Hezbollah fire and brace for the worst - The Round Table

Residents of northern Israelx27s largest city face Hezbollah fire and brace for the worst  The Round Table
Residents of northern Israel's largest city face Hezbollah fire and brace for the worst - The Round Table
The sandy beaches of Haifa are empty

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HAIFA, Israel -- The sandy beaches of Haifa, Israel’s third-largest city, are empty. Businesses are shutting early, and many restaurants are closed. The only places filling up, as the threat of a wider war with Hezbollah mounts, are public bomb shelters.

Haifa, a seaside city of nearly 300,000 people, is the cultural and economic capital of northern Israel. It has increasingly arrive into Hezbollah 's sights since fighting with Israel ascended this week and residents are bracing for what many fear will be the worst round of violence since a war nearly two decades ago pounded the city with rockets.

“Everything is lousy. The air foray sirens don’t stop,” revealed David Maman, a Haifa resident who was out taking a breather from a bomb shelter.

Category: World-News
Tag: Residents of northern Israelx27s largest city face Hezbollah fire and brace for the worst The Round Table
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Published 9/26/2024

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