Jesus is a Fake Name and Those Making Images of Him are Sinners - Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri Jesus fake name yeshua religion
Reno Omokri
Note: Don't just react to this article, emotionally, include the academic part of you which demands facts against facts makes a clean argument. Argue with facts, and let us all learn together as only God remains the fountain of knowledge, omnipotent and omniscience.

Jesus is a Fake Name

In this section of the article, Reno Omokri argued that Jesus is a foreign name given to who originally bears Yeshua. The entry was made in response to a netizen who challenged Omokri of using a fake name, Yeshua, to address Jesus. Reno Omokri writes:

Jesus is a made-up name. It has no meaning. The Messiah was named Yeshua. He was a Jewish Rabbi who spoke Aramaic and Hebrew. Read The Gospels yourself. Most of what is in the Gospels and credited to Yeshua are actually reported speech, not quotations. What He said was being reported by others. But when He is directly quoted, not in reported speech, He is quoted in Aramaic.

For example, Matthew 27:46 says:

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

The words 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani' is Aramaic.

Also, Mark 7:34 says:

He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”).

The word 'Ephphatha' is Aramaic.

The name [Yeshua] you are calling "fake" is His real Name. And the Jesus you are carrying on your head is the fake name. Even the name Jesus is an English translation of the Koine Greek Iēsous, which itself is a transliteration (not translation) of Yeshua. In other words, the name Jesus is a photocopy of a photocopy of the original.

The letter J was only invented in 1524. Please research it. May God punish me if I am lying to you. Until 1524, the word Jesus did not exist. It was invested by men, like you and I, after 1524. Black man, read and stop being tele-guided by your fellow man.

Those Making Images of Jesus are Sinners

In Exodus 20:4, God told us NEVER to make an image of anything. Whether an image of Him, angels, humans, or animals. That verse says:

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."

Yet, you make images and pictures and call it Yeshua (Jesus). And you put it in your churches and kneel before it. You venerate it. Though absolutely nobody knows what God or Yeshua looked like.

Have you ever seen satan before? Of course not. How do you know that that picture or statue is not an image of satan? You don't know. Yet you have it in your church building, outside your church. You have it in your homes and cars. What does the Bible say satan wants the most? Matthew 4:9 lets us know satan's greatest desire is to be worshipped.

In Nigeria, we all saw how a documentary was made by some people and they used a handsome photo of a young Bola Tinubu. Truly, that photo looked like Bola Tinubu. And we all accepted that it was Tinubu. Until Donald Duke, came out to reveal that that was actually his photo. If a photograph can trick us to give credit to the wrong person, what about a stair? Or a painting?

Have you ever read in Scripture or the Bible that God or Yeshua allowed images of them to be erected or drawn? They had artists who could draw when Yeshua was on Earth. But He did not permit it. But you, you know better than Him. You have sculpted His statue. Painted His image. Yet, you do not know what He looks like.

God told you that if you love Him, you should not do that. But you, a mere man, are saying because I love Him, I will do it. What did Scripture say in 1 Samuel 15:22?

"To obey is better than sacrifice."

I can assure you that that thing that you call Jesus in the form of a statue, painting, photograph, shroud, or any form of image is certainly NOT and can NEVER be our Lord and Saviour. Tufiakwa!

This article is a combination of two separate entries made by Reno Omokri. He is a Gospeller, Deep Thinker. Number one Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Globetrotter, Hollywood Magazine Humanitarian of the Year, 2019. Business Insider Influencer of the Year 2022.

Category: World-News
Tag: Reno Omokri Jesus fake name yeshua religion
Written by Omooba Alekuwodo (omoobaalekuwodo)
Published 11/23/2023 10:22:29 AM

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