Ini Edo announces date for 'fairytale wedding' - The Round Table Lifestyle

Ini Edo announces date for 039fairytale wedding039  The Round Table Lifestyle
Ini Edo announces date for 'fairytale wedding' - The Round Table Lifestyle
Ini Edo, the Nollywood actress, appears to have announced her engagement and date of marriage.

The movie star took to her Instagram page on Sunday to share a photo of her clad in her traditional outfit, adding that she met her husband-to-be six months ago.

She did not reveal the identity of her man but hinted that he proposed to her three months into their relationship.

“That bright Sunday morning six months ago, while on vacation, we crossed paths, and our lives never remained the same. Exactly three months later you asked me to be with you forever,” she wrote.

“How did I get so lucky? They say, ‘your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you’ I now believe this wholeheartedly. 1 of 3 done. My fairytale wedding is almost here.

“To anyone out there who has given up on their happily ever after, Love will find you, and when it does, ready or not, it’ll be the best thing that ever happened to you.”

She also revealed that the wedding would be taking place on October 10.

It however remains to be seen if she is getting married or promoting a new movie.

In 2023, the actress revealed that she was still single because of her desire for genuine love and commitment in a relationship.

Edo’s acting career started in 2000 with her debut in the Nollywood film ‘Thick Madam’.

Her breakthrough came in 2004 when she acted in another movie titled ‘World Apart’.

Edo married a US-based businessman named Philip Ehiagwina back in 2008 but they divorced in 2014.

Category: World-News
Tag: Ini Edo announces date for 039fairytale wedding039 The Round Table Lifestyle
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Published 9/22/2024

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