Can I Still Marry Their Son: My Father-in-law Beats My Mother-in-law The First Day I Met Them

I am confused and almost lost at this point, please I need your help. Your advice will assist me to regain my confidence or get my way through this mess.

My fiance decided to take me home to meet with his parents who live together in a rented apartment in Mushin, Lagos.

We got home not meeting any of the parents except my fiance's sister, a grown-up lady like myself [we should be age mates]. I got a warm reception from his sister and we were chatting, and discussing and amidst the discussion, I discovered my fiance did not tell anyone of them that he would be bringing me home. He wanted to do them a surprise on the faithful Sunday.

Not too long, his mum drove in and she was happy to meet me.

Unfortunately, his mum had yet to sit down when my Father-in-law opened the door and entered the sitting room. I even thought they were coming together but the scenarios that followed proved me wrong.

The first thing I noticed after my father-in-law's entrance was confusion on the face of my mother-in-law. Then, my Father-in-law asked my mother-in-law to look at her wristwatch and tell him what the time says, not even minding the presence of a stranger like me.

My mother-in-law, having understood what awaited her, started an explanation of how she came home 30 minutes after 5:00 P.M. that my Father-in-law gave her to return home.

At that moment, I was shocked, and confused and couldn't believe it was a real-life scenario. I thought I was in a cinema or watching a movie until I saw my Father-in-law running after my mother-in-law in the sitting room hurling all sorts of abusive words at her with beating.

My fiance tried to intervene but his dad told him never to try it. He said if he marries and fails to act like a full star husband then he will know he is a bastard.

I was baffled because my fiance's resemblance with this man doesn't require a DNA test. They are photocopies of each other. My fear is if I marry my fiance who I love so much, won't it end the way his dad is maltreating his mum?

Category: Community
Tag: online community, online forum, ask question online, internet community, internet forum
Written by Author (author)
Published 12/19/2023 6:29:45 AM

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