Tribune: Woman Revealed How Her Husband's Family Threw Her Out of Their House Two Years After His Death

Woman Revealed How Her Husband
Angela Ekwere
The Nigerian Tribune news media has published a revelation from a woman who was sighted roaming about the street of Warri, the oil-rich city of Delta State, sleeping anywhere the dusk meets her alongside her kids.

The woman who was identified as Angela Ekwere, a widow in her mid-40s, is said to be directionless as her husband's family has allegedly chased her out of her husband's house, two years after the death of her beloved husband.

Although the media house was not weaponed with information about allegations leveled against her by her husband's family, the woman was said to be helpless, homeless, and sleeping anywhere night falls in her alongside her kids.

Reporting her ordeal, the Tribune, stated that the woman was met taking some short rest in front of a lock-up shop at the popular Okere market with her kids, playing. Her appearance betrayed someone drenched in hunger and privation. Her frail looks, with sunken eyes, said it all.

The woman is said to have turned into a beggar with no sign of Shane as she shouts at the top of her sonorous voice begging people for financial assistance.

The reporter said "Her sonorous voice was the bait that attracted the attention of our correspondent on a sunny Monday morning. She was specific with her noisy request: she needed money to feed her famished children. The kids were right beside their mother, idling away.

Reacting to the report, one Daniel Z. stated "This is the reality in most cases. When a man kicks his bucket, those left behind are at the mercy of family extensions and others. Having a house is not enough, this is why I will always encourage men who love their women genuinely to legally safeguard their properties from external forces within the family circle.

"This is sad. I hope she finds a place to belong, and to care for their children.

Another commentator, Titi Abdul, believed that her predicament "Is because the bible refused to discuss inheritance and what is the sharing formula" among those who succeed a late husband.

Category: World-News
Tag: Woman Revealed How Her Husbands Family Threw Her Out of Their House Two Years After His Death
Written by Author (author)
Published 4/20/2024 5:33:24 PM

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