Nigeria's Lagos Among 11 Cities To Completely Sink in 2100

Lagos State
A statistical revelation by the World Economic Forum has hinted Nigeria's economic headquarters and the state of Excellence, Lagos, is among the top 11 cities across the world that may completely sink in 2100.

Although the forum stated that there are measures that, if strictly adhered to, may protect the cities against being swept underwater, the proximity of some cities to survive the disaster is narrow.

Unfortunately, Nigeria's Lagos was ranked second global city that may completely sink by 2100, revealing that the city currently sinks at the rate of 0.3 inches per year which is said to be aided by coastal erosion.

Nigeria's Lagos was only ranked after the Indonesian city of Jakarta which is said to be the first on the rank with the revelation that it sinks at 6.7 inches per year due to excessive groundwater pumping in the city.

Four cities in the United States of America including Houston in Texas, Virginia Beach in Virginia, New Orleans in Louisiana, and Miami in Florida are also in the dreadful list of the 11 cities that may completely become oceanic landmarks in 2100.

In the order of how they were ranked the complete list of the 11 cities that may completely sink by 2100 are:

1. Jakarta, Indonesia

2. Lagos, Nigeria

3. Houston, Texas

4. Dhaka, Bangladesh

5. Venice, Italy

6. Virginia Beach, Virginia

7. Bangkok, Thailand

8. New Orleans, Louisiana

9. Rotterdam, Netherlands

10. Alexandria, Egypt

11. Miami, Florida

The prediction is a big task on the Federal Government of Nigeria and Lagos State Government as the economic importance of Lagos will sorely be felt by every part of the country if care is not taken to avert the calamity of watching the city of Lagos sinking.

Category: World-News
Tag: Nigerias Lagos Among 11 Cities To Completely Sink in 2100
Written by Author (author)
Published 12/18/2023 12:48:29 PM

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