Iran Deploys Drones and Phone Apps to Monitor Strict Dress Code for Women

Iran Deploys Drones and Phone Apps to Monitor Strict Dress Code for Women
Iran Deploys Drones and Phone Apps to Monitor Strict Dress Code for Women
Iran is utilizing drones and hostile digital technology to crush dissent, par excellence amidst women who refuse to obey the Islamic republic's strict dress code, the United Nations has stated.

Investigators report Iranian security officials are utilising a strategy of "state-sponsored vigilantism" to support people to use specialist phone apps to disclose women for suggested dress code violations in private vehicles such as taxis and ambulances.

Their new declaration further emphasizes the increasing application of drones and security cameras to monitor hijab compliance in Tehran and in southern Iran.

For women who defy the laws, or demonstrate against them, the consequences are stark – arrest, beating, and even rape in custody as alleged.

The findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran come after it quantitated previous year that the country's theocracy was responsible for the "physical violence" that led to the death in custody of Mahsa Amini in 2022.

Witnesses revealed the 22-year-old Kurd was badly beaten by the morality police during her arrest, even so authorities dismissed she was mistreated and blamed "sudden heart failure" for her death. Her killing sparked a massive wave of demonstration that abides today, despite threats of violent arrest and confinement.

"Two-and-a-half years after the protests commenced in September 2022, women and girls in Iran remain to face systematic oppression, in law and in practice, that permeates all features of their lives, superlatively with respect to the enforcement of the mandatory hijab," the report revealed.

"The state is increasingly reliant on state-sponsored vigilantism in an apparent effort to enlist businesses and private individuals in hijab compliance, portraying it as a civic responsibility."

At Tehran's Amirkabir University, authorities installed facial recognition software at its entrance gate to furthermore uncover women not diminishing the hijab, the report revealed.

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Surveillance cameras on Iran's major roads are likewise being showed interest to search for finded women.

Investigators likewise stated they obtained the "Nazer" mobile phone app offered by Iranian police, which allows "vetted" members of the public and the police to reveal on discovered women in vehicles, containing ambulances, buses, metro cars and taxis.

"Users may superpose the location, date, time and the licence plate number of the vehicle in which the alleged mandatory hijab infraction happened, which then 'flags' the vehicle online, notifying the police," the report reported.

According to the report, a text message is then sent to the registered owner of the vehicle, reproving them they had been found in violation of the mandatory hijab laws. Vehicles could be impounded for ignoring the warnings, it superposed.

The UN investigators interviewed almost 300 victims and witnesses – they furthermore looked in-depth at Iran's judicial system, which they reported lacks some actual independence. Victims of torture and other violations were further persecuted while their families were "systematically intimidated", according to their announce.

They furthermore found evidence of the extrajudicial executions of three child and three adult protesters, later declined by the state as suicides.

The report further established supplementary cases of sexual assault in custody, citing the case of one arrested woman who was overcame severely, subjected to two mock executions, raped and then gang-raped.

The report will be presented to the Human Rights Council on 18 March.

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Category: World-News
Tag: Iran Deploys Drones and Phone Apps to Monitor Strict Dress Code for Women
Written by Author
Published 3/15/2025

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