EFCC Inaugurates More Integrity Clubs in Lagos, Makurdi; Learn more about the club.

EfCC news
EFCC's Integrity Group
The Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Friday, May 12, 2023, inaugurated the EFCC Integrity Club in Methodist Boys High School, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Speaking on the occasion, the Executive Chairman of the EFCC, Abdulrasheed Bawa, urged the students to be anti-corruption ambassadors.

Bawa, who was represented by ACE 1 Michael T. Wetkas, Zonal Commander, Lagos Command of EFCC, also urged the students to uphold the core values of the Club, which are integrity, discipline, honesty, and patriotism.

He said: “As students, youths and leaders of tomorrow, you need to have deeper insights into the havocs being wreaked on our nation by the monster of corruption.

“You are expected to channel your creative energies into useful engagements and not into dishonest and dubious means of cheating others of their resources.”

In his remarks, Umoh Felix, a teacher and patron of the Club, expressed his gratitude to the EFCC for inaugurating the Club in the school, while urging the students to shun any involvement in acts of corruption and financial crimes.

According to him, “We are ready to partner with the EFCC in the fight against economic and financial crimes by speaking up against corrupt practices within the school and the environment at large.”

About 250 students took oath of service alongside the executives.

The Head Boy of the School, Oche Ochefu, in his vote of thanks, appreciated the EFCC for the honour done the school and pledged to join the rest of students in lending their voices against economic and financial crimes.

In a related development, another EFCC Integrity Club was inaugurated at NKST Secondary School, High Level Makurdi, Benue State.

The Executive Chairman, Abdulrasheed Bawa who was represented by Head, Public Affairs, Makurdi Zonal Command, CSE Adeniran Adebayo Samuel, urged the students to be of exemplary conduct and to make integrity their guide. "I hope that every member of the Club and the entire school community will embrace the values and regulations of the Club and in the process, make Nigeria better and greater, "he said.

He urged the students to be Anti-Corruption ambassadors in their school, community and the society at large. Thirty students took the oath of service.

NKST School Principal, Mr. Tyoor Terngu, commended the EFCC for establishing the Club "we are happy that we are now part of the EFCC Integrity Club and we promise to lead by example”.

Category: World-News
Tag: EfCC news
Written by Omooba Alekuwodo (omoobaalekuwodo)
Published 5/14/2023 12:12:50 PM

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