Dismissed Taraba emirate’s accountant arrested over murder of emir’s wives, children - The Round Table

Dismissed Taraba emirates accountant arrested over murder of emirs wives children  The Round Table
Dismissed Taraba emirate’s accountant arrested over murder of emir’s wives, children - The Round Table
Police have arrested Alhaji Nafi’u Yahaya, a former accountant of the Mutum Biyu Emirate palace in Gassol Local Government Area of Taraba State, for his alleged involvement in the abduction and murder of seven family members of the emir, Justice Sani Sulaiman, in February 2023.

The victims included two of the emir’s wives and five of his children.

It was gathered that Yahaya’s arrest followed the detention of an opined kidnapper by police in Abuja, who implicated Yahaya as a supplier of AK-47 rifles to kidnappers.

Sources disclosed Yahaya is currently being adjudged at the Area Command in Jalingo, the state capital.

A video circulating on WhatsApp shows Yahaya making a voluntary confessional statement in which he admitted to his involvement with the kidnappers.

He disclosed that Gambo Jimeta, another resident of Mutum Biyu, assisted the arrival of two kidnappers and provided Yahaya with two AK-47 rifles, which they used for criminal activities, including kidnapping.

Yahaya further admitted that the rifles were leased out for abduction purposes.

Taraba State Police spokesperson, Kwache Gambo, disclosed he would provide more details about the case soon.

Sources also confirmed that Yahaya had worked in the Emir’s palace for many years before being dismissed by the emir.

Category: World-News
Tag: Dismissed Taraba emirates accountant arrested over murder of emirs wives children The Round Table
Written by Author
Published 9/30/2024

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