Cries of Hunger, Audacity as Nigerian Fisherman Hunt Down Sea Cow

Cries of Hunger, Audacity as Nigerian Fisherman Hunt Down Sea Cow

Mixed reactions greeted what a Nigerian fisherman considered a favorable hunting trip for him as he hunted down a sea cow, normally known as a manatee on Friday.

The fisherman caught a manatee in Odi, Bayelsa State on Friday afternoon and killed it for fish meat. However, many residents remained skeptical when reacting to the development. Some residents condemned the fisherman's action of killing the rare species of aquatic mammal, claiming it should have been reserved for generations yet unborn to see as many animals go on extinction.

However, other Nigerians who could not agree with those condemning the fisherman, in defense of his action, insisted that hunger in Nigeria is too much and that could have influenced the fisherman's action.

Although Manatee is not an endangered species but has been listed as threatening to humanity.

Manatees, family Trichechidae, genus Trichechus, are large, slow-moving aquatic mammals that inhabit shallow waters, and are mostly common in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the southeastern United States.

Manatees are also known as sea cows due to their bulky bodies and slow movements. They have a grayish-brown color, paddle-like tails, and two flippers. Manatees are herbivores and feed on seaweed, seagrass, and other aquatic plants.

Manatees can grow up to 13 feet (4 meters) long and weigh up to 1,300 pounds (590 kg) and live in shallow waters, typically less than 20 feet (6 meters) deep, and prefer areas with abundant vegetation.

Manatees are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, due to threats like habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear, and collisions with boats. They are solitary animals but sometimes gather in large groups during winter months. They are gentle creatures and have even been known to interact with humans in a non-aggressive way.

Female manatees give birth to one calf every 2-5 years, which will stay with her for up to two years, and a manatee can live up to 60 years in the wild.

Manatees have a unique way of communicating with each other through a series of chirps, squeaks, and grunts and they have been an important part of human culture for centuries, featuring in ancient myths and legends.

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Cries of Hunger, Audacity as Nigerian Fisherman Hunt Down Sea Cow
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Cries of Hunger, Audacity as Nigerian Fisherman Hunt Down Sea Cow
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Category: World-News
Tag: Cries of Hunger Audacity as Nigerian Fisherman Hunt Down Sea Cow
Written by Author (author)
Published 7/20/2024 12:58:38 PM

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