Akeredolu's Wife, Betty, Writes Mindboggling Tribute To Her Late Husband

Betty Akeredolu's Tribute to Husband
One thing one should never forget to learn from the late former Governor of Ondo State, Arakunrin Rotimi Akeredolu, was his respect for his wife, Betty Akeredolu, even when the tide was strong and the wave was scary. This was replicated by his surviving wife at her tribute to him during his burial in Owo, Akeredolu's country home.

Betty Akeredolu's Tribune to her husband is one of its kind. It is rare and possibly never been written by anyone in this part of the world.

Betty Akeredolu, in her tribute, sent messages to her dead husband, revealing how the soul of their love shall ever remain alive because Akeredolu deserves it.

She sounded mockery at those who had mocked or still mocking them.

Betty sounded unforgiving when he lashed back at the scenarios that their relationship suffered at the earliest stage.

Nothing was hiding, the time they laugh, smile, fight, and resolve were all covered in the tribute.

Above all, she was full of appreciation for the appreciation of love he received from Akeredolu during his lifetime.

The mouth cannot read it, and no amount of explanation can better inform you than to go through the handwriting of Madam Betty's Tribune for her husband, Late Rotimi Akeredolu.

Betty, in her tribute, wrote: “You just left me, just like that. It hurts, badly it hurts. Now alone to face all manners of mockery.

”Not a few lashed out that you were a weakling because you loved me.

“A beg o! Can an Amotekun generalissimo be a weakling? Mbanuu! It doesn’t add up nau. Haba! By the way, do they know what love is?
I don't think so.
In their homes while growing up they saw their mothers trampled upon as doormats.
Beaten up like punchbags.

“They copied the template and treated their wives as pieces of furniture that can be easily discarded as trash.

“And in many instances the subjugation was garnished with beatings while the community looked the other way and remained unperturbed as gender based violence reigned supreme nationwide.

“In civilised climes, if you beat your wife, jail awaits you even if you are a Governor.

“They marvel that a Nigerian man can love his wife. To them na only Oyibo man dey love.

“They are infuriated that a Yoruba man can love his wife who is Igbo. How can he? Igbo lasan, lasan!

“To them, na only Oyibo man dey love.

“Na love at first sight brought us together, biko. No be juju!

“Na love make me cross the Niger.

“That love at first sight turned out to be true and pure.
And you were proud to say it. You were proud to show it.

“You were even prouder to tell the people of Ondo State and beyond that we were a team. You were audacious to tell your people that “you voted for one but got two”.

“A testimony of my positive contribution to your life and career, emotionally and intellectually.

“We differed on one aspect, though. Religion. You were religious and wore your faith on your sleeves. I’m not. With no apologies. You were frustrated. Yet, we managed to work it out by harnessing our communication skills.

”You came to terms with my position on religion and respected my choice of pragmatism.

“And a peaceful home we built by respecting each other’s idiosyncrasies, supporting each other’s career pathways ,and loving each other at the same time.

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Category: World-News
Tag: Akeredolus Wife Betty Writes Mindboggling Tribune for Her Late Husband
Written by Author (author)
Published 2/23/2024 11:31:43 PM

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